Study Tips
Time Management-How to Effectively Plan for the Week
Have a regular time each week (budget 15–30 mins) to look at your assignments & obligations & map them out over the week.
Mark & label time slots for classes, job, sports, extracurricular activities, chores, & other regular commitments.
For each class, create a weekly to-do list, estimating how much time to allot for each reading, assignment, paper, project & study prep. Insert these tasks into open slots on the planner.
Use color to differentiate classes & activities visually.
Reduce your tasks to manageable steps, rather than doing assignments in long sessions. Work backwards from a target date & distribute the workload across your schedule.
Know when & where you work best. Plan for your hardest studying when you are most alert & focused. Select the study location where you can stay productive.
Set a timer to remind you to take a 15-minute break every 30-45 minutes. Incorporate movement or exercise into your breaks to help you stay focused during study time.
Strive for balance. Schedule time for self-care (exercise, meditation, etc.) and free time.
Adjust your schedule as needed. Keep your planner with you to update as needed.
Mark your goal bedtime and wake up time on your calendar & try to stick to that time.
Technology can help you create effective planners/calendars and tasks, or to-do lists that are easy to update & can provide notifications or reminders to prevent forgetting a commitment.